We had our friends, the
McMahons, over for dinner last night. During the course of the evening I managed to turn their son, Bryan, into a clay artist. Here's a picture of the new clay
prodigy making a bead in the shape of a
soccer ball! They left our house with Bryan requesting a pasta maker and a trip to Michaels for more clay! If I ever manage to land an arts and crafts show, I know where I'll find my assistant. :-)
A prodigy
Very cool! Bryan will be thrilled to see his picture at Patty's Design Blog - "Wow! I'm on the internet!"
Hi Patty, it's Bryan. I saw your website, it's really neat. I also saw the piuture of me! I can't believe I'm on the internet!!!
From, Bryan
Sunday, 16Sept07
Hi guys,
Last night...
Was that, like, the best pizza in the world or what?
We had a great time - let us know when again.
Steve will make an occasional Friday lunch run to Lynwoods to pick-up pizzas for himself and Theresa Smith. Patty you're invited to join in (Sorry Vern - you don't qualify.)
Steve and Bryan had pizza this morning. Go to either of your work e-mails and you'll see what we mean. (We can't find a way to post pictures to your blog)
Steve, Bryan & Jennifer
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