Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Go Steelers!

I spent the night glossing Steeler beads. Here's a picture of the work in progress. I also ordered more supplies from Fire Mountain Gems yesterday. It's only been a day, but it feels like I'm waiting for Christmas. I ordered a few basics - spacers, clasps and wire but also picked up a few fun items including crystals and a gem stones. One of the items was an assorted mix of stones...I'm so curious to see if they sent trash or treasures!


Anonymous said...

I am interested in purchasing some of your Steeler beads....is that possible??? My e-mail address sandias@comcast.net. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I would like to buy my wife a bracelet made from round steelers beads like the one your holding in your hand. Is that possible? Please contact me at bill.bates@greatclips.net. Thank you.

Unknown said...

I am also from Pittsburgh, I have been looking for bead just like this... Is there anyway you got send me the instructions... thanks..